Thursday, December 18, 2008


This is what I mean by recapitulating a sense of tragic glory in pop music. All you electro fans out there will no doubt roll your eyes at me for posting this now - how passé can I possibly be? - but even two years after its release this is still completely au courant and at the same time hearkens back twenty years. Think Prince or New Order on a meth bender. This is from French techno phenoms Gaspard Augé and Xavier de Rosnay, better known of course as Justice. Here's Part I and II of 'Phantom.'

Part I

And Part II

Sure, it's music to dance all night to, but isn't there also an intrinsic sadness, a desperation here too? A despair of mortality? The guitar riff at the end of Part II - doesn't it just break your heart into a million tiny pieces?

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